

Worship Choir and Orchestra

They lead in Worship every Sunday Morning and rehearse on Sunday evenings

Sunday School

Classes for all ages every Sunday Morning at 9:30 a.m.


For infants and toddlers during Sunday School and AM Services

Children's Chapel

For kids 4 years old to 2nd grade during AM worship service.


Youth Group

Our Teens meet at 6:00PM for Bible Study and have many other events throughout the year.

Men's Bible Study

The Men’s Bible Study meets at 6:00 PM, and studies a variety of materials.

Truth Trackers

Truth Trackers is for kids 3 years old-6th grade and meets at 6:00 PM.

Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible Study meets at 6:00 PM and studies a variety of materials.


Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is 5 fun-filled nights during the summer where kids get to learn about Jesus! 

College and Career

Our CNC group has its own Sunday School class and holds fun fellowship events throughout the year!

Bird Busters

Our Trap Shooting team competes annually in the AR Youth Shooting Sports Program & is open for ages 12-17.

Operation Christmas Child

We participate in OCC Shoebox Drive annually by preparing hundreds of shoeboxes every year.


Our Senior Adult fellowship that meet at various times throughout the year for fellowship.

Extension Get Fit

Is a low-impact exercise program that meets on Mon. & Thurs. at 10AM.


FBI is a comprehensive Bible class that meets Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. New classes open each Fall and Spring.

Tuesday Morning Crew

A group of mostly retired men who get together for coffee/breakfast and service projects.

Son-Shine Circle

Ladies fellowship that meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday at 10:00AM